Saturday, December 3, 2011

Emerging Issues

One of the emerging issues of today is welfare. It seems to be more and more that people are taking advantage of welfare advantages. Welfare in the United States originated back in 1935's during the Great Depression. It was titled Aid to Dependent children (AFDC). The AFDC was replaced in 1996 by Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act (PRWRA). The problem with welfare now is that more and more people are taking advantage of the welfare program. Too many people are below the poverty line to support the welfare system. The more people who receive welfare the more tax payers must pay for it.

            Another problem with the welfare system is that many recipients believe that the system makes it difficult to be become independent. The people receive very low income on welfare and often cannot find decent child care that is affordable. The majority of people who receive welfare are young mothers, so child care is very important to them. Most who receive welfare cannot make enough money to support themselves and their children. One major problem is that even though they get increased income on welfare they ended up paying more for the services they needed such as child care and transportation. So people on welfare often ended up with less money at their disposal.  The idea of the welfare system is a good idea, to help those in need get back on their feet, but the system needs to be rearranged once again to be a more effective program.


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